The top Court short assistance of Attorney General R.Venkat Ramani to decide a plea for stringent steps to control fraudulent religious conversation.
Court had said recently and ask the centre keeping in view the national security and im pinge on the religious freedom of citizens to step in and make sincere efforts to tackle the very serious issue.
as Supreme Court said on Monday religious conversion is a serious issue which should not be given a political colour.
A bench of justice M.R.shah and C.T.Ravi Kumar asking to appear in the place seeking measures to check on religious conversion through intimidation, threatening , dieceving during through gifts and monetary benefits.
advocate P. Wilson said appearing for Tamil nadu term the plea Upadhyay’s as politically motivated PIL he said there was no question of such conversations in the state.
Supreme Court bench taking objection on his remark told Wilson you may have different reasons to be agitated like this don’t convert court proceedings into other things. we are concerned for the entire state if it is happening in your state it is bad. do not make this political.