Visit temples it’s good for your health and mind.

Temple rituals are not blind traditions that are followed by drops of believers without any thought…

How many sleep hours are required for a healthy body.

Recent medicine study shows that sleeping for less than 7 hours for night may be not…

According to Dr Amrita Kapoor Chaturvedi, when a person looks at a screen for over 8 hours, the eye structurally changes and it stimulates the growth of the length of the eye ball.

According to Dr Amrita Kapoor Chaturvedi, when a person looks at a screen for over 8…

Surprising health benefits of bitter gourd

Health benefits of Karela juice: Bitter gourd is rarely anyone’s favourite dish when cooked at home or…

Poor diet damages blood vessels: Study

Washington (US): Metabolic disease affects blood vessels in different organs of our body in a unique…