WHO marks April 7 every year as world health day.

April 7 is marks world health day to make the foundation of world health organisation in…

The heart healthy benefits of eating Walnuts.

Previous research has indicated that daily consumption of Walnuts can boost heart health. Now researchers are…

The Union Health Ministries shot letters to 5 states on March 16 in the wake up of covid-19 cases and ask them to prevent the infection.

The five states are Kerala, Maharashtra, Telangana ,Gujarat and Karnataka who have received the letters. These…

Heart Attack rate has risen among those age 35 between 54 especially women.

Recent studies such as the 2018 Atherosclerosis risk in communities surveillance studies which reviewed more than…

Raspbarries are sweet and contains several healthy nutrients.

Consuming raspberries everyday has many amazing benefits for our bodies. It improves our digestion and gets…

It is important to keep your blood healthy and clean.

As per the expert, eating a diet rich in vitamin C and iron increases the production…

Long running has been considered to be ultimate physical activities that can help one achieve their fitness goal.

Refering to recent spike incidents of how people have collapsed in gyms and worked out due…

आयुष्मान भारत योजना में नीतिगत बदलाव हो सकता है- मनसुख मंडाविया, स्वास्थ्य मंत्री.

इन दिनों संसद के दोनों सदनों का शीतकालीन सत्र चल रहा है। इसी सत्र के तहत…

If you want a good health, you must follow the right diet plan.

Eat properly soaked and prepared staple foods, such as cereals like rice, maize, wheat and Barley…

केसर और पानी के क्या हैं फायदे.

केसर का उपयोग बलगम निकालने, भूख बढ़ाने, अच्छे हाजमे और मसूड़ों की समस्या को दूर करने…